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All sessions are scheduled by appointment. Ongoing psychotherapy sessions are scheduled for 50 minutes.

If you are late to your appointment, we will still conclude at the scheduled time. If significantly late, you may have to reschedule your appointment and will be charged the usual appointment fee.

If you are unable to make a scheduled appointment, I request that you provide at least two business days (48 hours) notice. Monday appointments need to be cancelled by 12 PM the preceding Thursday; Tuesday appointments need to be cancelled by 12 PM the preceding Friday.

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This office is not in network with any insurance company. A credit card must be kept on file. Payment of fees is expected at the time of service; methods of payment include cash, credit card or electronic transfer. You will receive a statement at the end of each month with a list of all services performed and payments received.

Your invoice statement will include all of the information necessary for you to submit an out-of-network claim to your insurer for reimbursement. You are solely responsible for payment of your medical care, regardless of what your insurance company agrees to reimburse.

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It is my policy to refill prescriptions when you/your child is seen in person at a scheduled appointment. In the event that you run out of medication before your next scheduled appointment, please call my office at (858) 215-1667 and leave a message with your full name, birth date, medication name, dosage, frequency, and pharmacy telephone number.

Please allow 2 business days for me to process your request. Stimulant medication refills may take up to 5 days to process.

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If you need to reach me between appointments, please call (858) 215-1667 and leave a message with your telephone number and some times when you may be reached. I will do my best to return your call within one business day. If your call is urgent, I will do my best to return your call within 3 hours whenever possible.

Because communication by email and text message is not secure and may compromise your privacy, I request that you only use email or text message for scheduling matters. Do not use email or text message in the event of an emergency or to communicate confidential information.

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Urgent issues

I will do my best to return calls as soon as feasible; however, I do not provide urgent, crisis or emergency services. Do not use email or text message in the event of any emergency. In the event of an urgent or emergent situation that cannot wait, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency department.

Once stabilized, please call me at (858) 215-1667. If I am away or otherwise unavailable, a colleague will be providing coverage for my practice.

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Your medical records

I utilize the electronic medical software "Ntreatment" to maintain a clinical chart for each patient, as required by the standards of my profession. Information in the chart includes a description of you/your child’s condition, diagnosis, treatment and progress. Primary features of this software include:

  • Appointment scheduling

  • Private data (including notes)

  • Secure messaging between doctor & patient

  • Automated appointment reminders via text and email (if elected)